Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Photography Class Recap: Week 1

When my parents told me I could pick out my graduation gift last year, I knew exactly what I wanted. I spent months researching and looking for the best deal on a SLR camera. With an upcoming trip to Italy and a love for photography, a camera was the only thing I wanted.

It arrived in February (3 months before graduation, but I needed practice time with it since we were leaving for Italy 2 days after graduation). Of course, the day before it arrived, I was diagnosed with pink eye. Regardless, I spent hours playing with the camera and figuring out how it worked...while keeping it far away from my eye and sanitizing my hands every three seconds.

The camera (otherwise known as Carl) was the best thing we could have ever brought on our trip. I think our photos turned out great! I'll be sharing them soon!

Summer was busy and I barely had time for photography, so I finally crossed something off my list and signed up for a photography class in September! We are on our third week, and I am really enjoying it!

Here is a little recap and some photos from week 1.

Our first week was all about getting to know the camera and few basics such as aperture, shutter speed, and ISO. I am still getting the hang of all of those elements together, but it is getting easier. The more pictures I take, the more I understand. Obviously, this is the point of the class!



Shutter Speed
These are my favorite!

We also had to do a "Day in the Life" series. I don't have kids, the dogs don't do much, and I work all day. What do I have with me all day? My feet. So five photos of my feet and their "life." It wasn't as easy as I thought it would be, but I like what I came up with!

Looking for breakfast. Break at work in the car. Waking Jack. Watering grass. Relaxing outside.

I have to admit that these aren't much like my typical day, and they aren't taken all on the same day. A busy life makes it complicated! 

That's all for week 1. Week 2 was a little more in depth, and this week I have to use an actual person for my pictures! I am enjoying the class and I am really beginning to understand more about my camera. I am becoming passionate about making my camera a bigger part of my every day life. 

Week 2 recap next week! 

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