Saturday, September 22, 2012

Five Good Things: 9/18, 9/19, 9/20, 9/21

A favorite from our three days on Lake Garda, Italy.

Tuesday, September 18th

-having time for lunch with Branden
-naps in the car
-beautiful weather
-dinner with dad
-a glass of wine before bed

Wednesday, September 19th

-not wearing another polo to work
-antique shopping between shifts
-finding a beautiful antique chair for the living room for a great deal
-walking outside
-soup for dinner

Thursday, September 20th

-chick-fil-a for breakfast
-favorite songs on the drive home
-finishing a job application
-writing a post for the blog
-talking to my best friend while she's in Columbia

Friday, September 21st

-a great day at my after school job
-buying things for the apartment
-new shirts
-falling asleep to favorite movies
-our favorite restaurant for dinner

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