Thursday, September 13, 2012

Five Good Things

My boyfriend, Branden, challenged me a few years ago to keep a journal about five good things from each and every day. This was a time in my life that I had a hard time finding positivity and he hoped that doing this would help me find some happiness. Even if it was just a little bit.

Of course, my boyfriend is always right. For more than two years I kept a series of notebooks where I wrote 5 good things about each day. Some days I wrote 10 good things. It was such a simple way to keep my spirits up.

Looking back months later at the different notebooks was my favorite part. It is refreshing to look back and know that even on really bad days I could find something good and happy to write down.

 Unfortunately, life got busy. Working as a full time student teacher and part time manager during my last semester of college ate up most of my life. I was lucky to get lesson plans written, let alone find time to quickly journal before falling into bed. Then my life took an unexpected turn when my mom passed away unexpectedly at the end of April.

 Things since then haven't been easy. Life out of school, without my mom, and with no concrete career path at the moment isn't where I saw myself 6 months ago. Each day can be a challenge to get through, and honestly, it can be hard to find the little things that are still good and positive.

However, I figure what better time in my life to start finding those good things again? Life doesn't have to be full of grand moments and gestures to see happiness. Realistically, it is the little things that we see more often. The warmth of cup of coffee in the morning, thumbing through a new magazine, a favorite pair of shoes, a well cooked meal, or happy greetings from three crazy dogs when you walk through the door at the end of a long day.

Here I will record my five good things (sometimes more) along with pictures as I continue to work on my photography skills. I am also learning to cook, searching for pieces for a future apartment, working on crafts, planning trips, trying to get organized, and finding fun things to do with people I love.

All good things.

All of them will be found here.

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