Monday, October 1, 2012

Light the Night

Cancer is a scary word.

The word Leukemia is even scarier.

While I don't know what it is like to be told that I have cancer, I know exactly what it is like to be told some one you love does. It is terrifying, paralyzing, and completely confusing.

My mom was diagnosed with leukemia on Wednesday, April 25th. She died three days later on Saturday, April 28th. Three short days and our lives were changed.

It is hard to not ask those "what if" questions. What if we had paid more attention? What if she had gone to the doctor sooner? Were there signs we missed? What could we have done differently? Unfortunately, these questions cannot be answered. Even if they could, it wouldn't change what happened to my mom.

However, maybe by doing a little bit of good, a life can be changed before it is too late.

The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society will be holding their "Light the Night Walk" (click for more details about the walk) on Sunday, October 28th, exactly six months after my mom's death. I think there would be no better way to honor her on that day by walking in this walk for her and trying to help make a difference in other's lives.

The walk is called "Light the Night" because each person that raises $100 dollars or more receives an illuminated balloon. White balloons are carried by survivors, red balloons by supporters, and gold ones are carried by those who are walking in memory of someone lost to cancer. This is my favorite part of the walk. Can you imagine the sky lit up with balloons carried by those affected by this awful disease, walking to help change lives? It gives me chills!

All you have to do if you want to walk is register on our team website. Those who raise $100 or more are called a "Champion for Cures" and receive a Light the Night t-shirt, illuminated balloon, and wristband for refreshments.

I will be participating in this walk on the 28th. I've created a team so that anyone who wants to, can join me in honoring my mom.

You have a few options:

1. Register to walk as part of our team! It is free to walk, but only those who raise $100 or more receive the t-shirt, balloon, and wrist band.

2. If you want to raise money, send out our team page and raise some! All you need is ten people to give just ten dollars to get $100 dollars! Once you raise $100 under your name, ask people to donate to another  name so we can all carry that bright gold balloon for my mom.

3. If you can't walk, donate! Even just $5 dollars toward a bigger goal can help make a difference for someone somewhere.

4. If you can't walk, or donate, just send us good thoughts as we walk, and think about those dealing with something so huge and scary.

I hope many of you can join me in this walk to honor my mom. My life, and many others, have changed so much since her death. The best thing I can do is to try to live a life that my mom would be proud of. Without her, I wouldn't even have a life, so I need to go out there and live it!

Here is our team page:

No matter what name the money is donated to, it all goes to our team. Then all of that money goes to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society to help with research, support groups, etc.

If you decide to walk, or even if you can't, send out that link to anyone you know and ask them to donate. You can send a link to my blog as well if you want to give a little more background info.

More details about times and where we will meet the day of the walk will follow!

Thank you!

PS: any questions about the walk can be answered here!

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