Thursday, October 11, 2012

Grapefest 2012

Our first trip to Grapefest was last fall with friends from Branden's electrical engineering classes. I was reluctant to go, mostly because sometimes I enjoy being difficult, but I am so glad we did. We had so much fun last year, and I was so excited to go back this fall!

It was definitely cloudy and on the verge of raining the whole day, and we missed our opportunity to go during the sun. However, no sun means not as much heat, and in Texas, that is a good thing!

The festival is full of booths that sell art, jewelry, salsa, jams, etc. The stores on Main Street are also open, so we wandered through those in between looking at booths.

We stayed for a few hours, bought roasted pecans (delicious!), had funnel cake, and enjoyed all of the sites.

We didn't plan to buy anything, but we just had to find strawberry lemonade, and it was back on the other end of the street. Since we walked back, I saw just one more store to go into (total accident of course). "Beyond the Red Door" might just be my new favorite place. We walked out of there with some great stuff! I'm sure Branden wishes we just hadn't insisted on going and getting that lemonade!

In the end, I'm glad we stayed later than we intended too! The festival at night is kind of magical.

Here are some pictures from the day.

This is my favorite store on Main Street. A store full of all things Christmas and Halloween (I need to visit around Valentine's Day!). When we go in, I head straight for the back. There are little Christmas towns set up...I could spent hours looking at them. Branden and I can't wait to start our own Christmas Village! They even have a Halloween one!

The best part about festivals? Funnel Cake!

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