Thursday, November 1, 2012

Venice Favorites Part 2

Here are more of my favorite pictures from Venice! 

This is one of my favorite pictures of me and Branden. This was in Saint Mark's square the day after it had rained. We spent the morning walking through the Basilica di San Marco. The church was absolutely incredible. My favorite part was going to the top of the church and overlooking the square. 


This is the view from the top of the square.

We walked across the Rialto Bridge at least once a day on our walks through the city. The view was beautiful. I loved walking across it in the morning before it was crowded with tourists. 

On Saturday we took a boat to the islands of Murano and Burano. We left quite early in the morning and got to see the water in such beautiful light. Taking a crowded and long boat ride is so worth it when this is the view. 

I fell in love with Burano. It was so bright and colorful. I loved that every single building was a bright color, from orange to neon green. It was a quiet Saturday morning, and while it was full of tourists, it was a nice change of pace from how crowded Venice was throughout the day. 

This is just one of many pictures of house fronts I took while we were in Burano. This was is one of my favorites. I think coming home to to such a cheery home, in such a beautiful city, would make me happy every single day. 

One morning we decided to be a little brave and go to the top of the St Mark's Campanile, a clock tower that is 323 feet tall. I am afraid of heights, so this was a big step for me. Fortunately, we rode an elevator to the top (although, going up 300 feet into the air in an old elevator crowded with people isn't exactly my idea of a good time). The view was incredible! We got a 360 degree view of the city. My favorite part of the whole experience was when the bells started ringing. It was amazing to be standing right under a huge bell that was so old and hear it ring for the city. 

There is always something gorgeous to look at in Venice. Everything is so detailed and beautiful. 

This was taken when we ventured to the other side of the city on our last full day. I found it odd, and beautiful, that this old statue was hidden in all this greenery, and all we could see was his back. I wonder what it looked like 100 years ago. 

I took this while waiting to go to the top of the Campanile. Looking back at pictures from all of the cities from our trip, I am still amazed at how detailed everything is. I wish we had more intricate and beautiful things like this surrounding us each day.

This was our last picture of us together in Venice on our terrace of the apartment. It was cold and rainy and we were about to drag three suitcases to the nearest vaporetto station. We were sad to leave Venice, but so excited to get on to the next stop of our trip. I loved traveling with this man.

Next up, favorites from Lake Garda!

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