Thursday, November 29, 2012

Little Treasures

I am on a little bit of a cleaning spree today. My room isn't used very often, so it becomes kind of a dropping place for all of my stuff.

I was looking under the bed to see if there was anything I could get rid of and came across a few picture albums I hadn't looked at in years. Pictures of me in high school with friends I've lost touch with, pictures of three of my favorite years when I was on drill team, and pictures of my family.

I came across this one and couldn't help but smile.

Two people in this picture aren't here anymore, and another is in the hospital trying to get healthy again. I remember this trip to Lamesa with my mom and an old friend, Jenna. It was only 7 or 8 years ago, but it feels like another life time. While moving forward is all I can do, I can't help but wish I could visit these old pictures and see these smiles again.

It is going to take me even longer to get my room cleaned up if I keep coming across treasures like this.

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